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Featured at Capital Week

Attendee FAQs

Yes, you must hold an Individual SAME membership either under your Company or separately. Membership is individual and non-transferable. 

If your company is a Corporate Member of SAME, this does not mean that all employees are members.

If you are not an SAME member and would like to attend this event, you must purchase an Individual membership during the Registration process.  

If you have questions about SAME membership, please contact our membership department at

Yes, as a Uniformed Service Member or Government Civilian employee, please select "Send Invoice" as your Payment Method and complete the Registration. When you are able to pay for your registration, please login to the Attendee Service Center. Your login information is located in your confirmation letter.

All payment is due before the start of the conference. You will not be able to attend until payment has been received.

We accept credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express), ACH, and check payment. Check Payments will not be accepted after March 15, 2024 due to mailing and processing times.

If paying by check, please make payable to SAME and mail with a copy of your invoice to our Lockbox address:

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
P.O. Box 36-795
Pittsburgh, PA  15251-6795

Non-members can attend the Foundation Fundraising Reception by registering on the Non-Member Registration Form. (LINK) 

All attendees of the DOD Briefings must be a member of SAME.

Please login to the Attendee Service Center. Your login information is located in your confirmation email. Once you have logged in, click on the "Registration Payment" tab.

DoD Briefings:  Online Registration will be open through March 26, 2025.  You MUST be an SAME member to register and attend

DoD & Federal Program Briefings:

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations will be accepted through February 28, 2025, and must be received in writing to  Registration fees will be refunded in full minus a handling and processing charge of $100.00 per registration.  SAME regrets that refunds cannot be issued after February 28, 2025. 

You may transfer your registration to a colleague at your Company/Organization if circumstances prevent you from participating in the event. The substitute must be a member or must become a member, to attend.  The cancellation fee and deadline do not apply to government registrations.

Registration Transfer:
To transfer your registration to someone else in your Company/Organization, please have the substitute register for Capital Week.  The substitute MUST be a member of SAME; this is a member ONLY event. When they get to the Payment page, click the down arrow for the “Payment Method” and select “send invoice” from the menu.  They should complete the Registration, but do not pay.  Then, send an email to when this is completed to request the transfer.  Your original registration will be cancelled and the fee paid will be transferred to the substitute’s registration. 

The pre-conference Attendee List for the DOD Briefings will be posted in the Attendee Service Center  two weeks before the conference (March 11, 2025) and a final list will be posted within one week after the conference. Your login to the Attendee Service Center can be found in your registration confirmation letter.

The Dress Code can be found HERE.


Please visit the Travel & Lodging page for hotel information.